
Date: 31 Mar 2022

GST – Key activities to be carried out at the Year End

It is difficult to track the increasing number of amendments in the GST law and their implementation within statutory mandate timeframe. The yearly compliances are more prone to the risk of non-compliance as these are not regular routine compliances as compared to the compliances having periodicity Continue Reading
Date: 25 Jan 2022

Understanding Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) and Way Forward

Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. President once said, “Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate is the basis of wealth”. In India, real estate has been the most favour Continue Reading
Date: 29 Jun 2021

Bigger but not Big. Smaller but not Small…

Small and Medium enterprises encompass a broad range of businesses going by their definition. But that too vary from region to region based on size of revenues earned, work force employed, investments in plant & machinery etc. This article largely deliberates over businesses which include early- Continue Reading
Date: 4 Sep 2020

Need for Standard Operating Procedures (SoP’s) -SME perspective

Businesses are created by putting hard work, taking enormous risks and investing scarce resources by the founders .What follows thereafter is a journey of ups and down witnessing both opportunities and challenges. These challenges increase with growing size of operations, increased manpower, higher Continue Reading
Date: 8 Jul 2020

Things to avoid when starting a new business!

There are few common but cardinal errors of judgment entrepreneurs make at the start of their journey or foraying into a  project/venture. The chances of success can increase manifolds if an entrepreneur avoid committing these mistakes. We attempt to highlight these in this post and suggest ways to Continue Reading
Date: 18 Apr 2020

System Configuration for Serving MIS requirements

Situation: Our client was into manufacturing with more than 20 product variants and with experienced promoters the business was in the phase of growth. However, their inventory situation was a far different story. The inventory MIS was being maintained on Excel which was time consuming and error ri Continue Reading
Date: 10 Oct 2019

Transition to Multiple Banking Structure

Situation: Our client was contemplating to optimise the firms banking costs and sought services under Assure product programme. They were engaged into imports and exports business and had a sizeable expense under financial cost in the financial statements. Methodology: We analysed last six months da Continue Reading
Date: 10 Oct 2019

Managing financial costs

Situation: The client had been witnessing steady growth in business and were expanding in terms of geography and production capacities. They had almost increased their Bank exposure by three folds in last two years. They were amidst a growth spree and required further finance to keep pace with the d Continue Reading
Date: 10 Oct 2019

Foreclosure Charges

Foreclosure charges or pre-payment charges are levied as a penalty for closing the credit facility prior to the contracted maturity. The said penalty is being commonly referred to as Prepayment penalty or foreclosure charges in the Banking domain. Banks charge these penalty to compensate for the los Continue Reading
Date: 10 Oct 2019

Managing Banking Services

Situation: The client was banking with its Bank for last 8 years. The relationship had been smooth but since last year they were not getting required service and financial support from their Bank .The company was in a growing phase and there dependence on the bank was increasing than before. The cli Continue Reading
Date: 14 Feb 2025

Input Service Distributor – All you want to know

Mandatory ISD Registration Effective 01.04.2025 Recent amendments now make it mandatory for organizations with multiple GST registrations under the same PAN to register as an Input Service Distributor (ISD). This registration ensures the proper distribution of common input tax credits pertaining to Continue Reading
Date: 7 Apr 2020

GST Compliances in light of Covid19

In view of the disturbance caused by Novel Corona Virus (Covid 19), the Government announced certain reliefs vide Press Release dt. 24-03-2020 and accordingly issued Notification No. 30/2020 – Central Tax to 36/2020 – Central Tax.   In this Article we made an attempt to summarize the relief Continue Reading

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